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Medical Records

You are entitled to a copy of your medical record according to HIPAA rules and regulations. However, there are specific laws we must follow to release this information. These laws are designed to protect your confidential health information.

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Request a Medical Record

To request a copy of your medical record, you may do so in the following ways:

Submit by Email, Fax, or In Person:

Patients can submit a request for medical records via email, fax, or in person your local Valley Professionals. Click the link below to find Release of Information forms and return them to the following email address or fax number:

Fax: 765-828-1017


Patient Portal

Did you know you can access your records on the patient portal? Visit the patient portal, login, go to “My Records” and select PHR. From there you can generate your health record for a specific date range.

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Have Questions?

For questions relating to your medical record request already submitted, please call: (765) 832-1000