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Men's Health Month

June is not only the month we celebrate the persons in our life we call DAD, it is also the month we focus on maintaining men’s health and wellness.

June is not only the month we celebrate the persons in our life we call DAD. It is also the month we focus on maintaining men’s health and wellness.

This year the focus is to encourage boys and men to take charge of their overall health by implementing healthy living decisions. It is also intended to bring awareness to preventable health problems, and early detection and treatment of such chronic illnesses as cancer, heart disease, and depression.

The health of the men in our lives can affect spouses, parents, children, partners, family, and friends.
Suggestions for a healthier lifestyle for all men include:

  • Diet: Consume more fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and water. Limits foods high in calories, sugar, salt, and fats. Small changes like smaller portions can bring big results.
  • Physically active: Improves brain function, reduces risk of heart disease, strengthens muscles and bones, and improves ability to do everyday activities without injury. Whether it is running, walking, weightlifting, or yoga whatever activity works for you!
  • Quit Tobacco: quitting smoking reduces the risk for many health problems including cardiovascular disease, lung diseases like COPD, and cancer.
  • Prevention: Schedule yearly checkups and health screenings including colonoscopy at age 45.

Let’s make June the Get up and GO challenge for men. GET healthy by eating proper foods, GET screened to prevent or treat early chronic illnesses, and GO exercise!!

By: Beth Fields, Nurse Practitioner