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National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month 2023

Together, as a community, we can all help prevent suicide.

Together, as a community, we can all help prevent suicide. Every year organizations and individuals across the country come together to bring awareness to suicide prevention during the month of September, National Suicide Prevention Month.

ASK – Research shows people who are having thoughts of suicide feel relief when someone asks after them in a caring way. Findings suggest acknowledging and talking about suicide may reduce rather than increase suicidal ideation.

BE THERE – Individuals are more likely to feel less depressed, less suicidal, less overwhelmed, and more hopeful after speaking to someone who listens without judgment.

KEEP THEM SAFE – A number of studies have indicated that when lethal means are made less available or less deadly, suicide rates by that method decline, and frequently suicide rates overall decline.

HELP THEM STAY CONNECTED – Studies indicate that helping someone at risk create a network of resources and individuals for support and safety can help them take positive action and reduce feelings of hopelessness.

FOLLOW UP – Studies have also shown that brief, low-cost intervention and supportive, ongoing contact may be an important part of suicide prevention, especially for individuals after they have been discharged from hospitals or care services.

LEARN MORE – Get message kits, resources, events, and more at the official website.


Valley Professionals Community Health Center offers short-term outpatient counseling services to treat depression, anxiety, and trauma that might be triggering suicidal thoughts. If we feel like Valley Professionals is not the best clinic to treat patient’s needs, we will link patients to local agencies that offer more intensive outpatient services. Valley also offers outpatient psychiatry services for medication management of patient’s symptoms. If you are not already a Valley patient, please call to schedule a new patient appointment with one of our doctors at any of our eight locations (Bloomingdale, Cayuga, Clinton, Crawfordsville, Rockville, North Terre Haute, South Terre Haute, and West Terre Haute) in order to access our counseling and psychiatry services. Please visit our website at for address and contact information. Together we can make a difference!

Lacey Skwortz, MSW, LCSW

South Terre Haute Clinical Therapist